By Reily Goyne, AIA Kansas Advocacy Manager
Licensure debates open back up
Two bills were introduced late this week affecting professional and occupational licensure: HB 2274 and SB 229.
HB 2274 is a licensing bill impacting all professions, including architecture. It applies an accelerated review timeline for reciprocal licensure to inactive military service members. Current statute only applies the timeline to active military service members.
SB 229 as written does not apply to professions licensed by the State Board of Technical Professions, including architects. However, AIA Kansas will work to ensure that it stays that way. The bill terminates all current licensing regulations on July 1, 2030, and all future regulations would sunset (terminate) five years after enactment. To extend the applicability of licensure regulations, a joint legislative committee must review and vote to extend the regulations. The bill also contains various reporting requirements by legislative research to the legislature and monitoring by the Secretary of State.
These two bills are part of a long-time statewide trend toward deregulation and lowered licensing standards as well as a nationwide push toward deregulation and reduced agency power. AIA Kansas lobbyists are working closely with members of the Government Affairs Committee to determine the best action to take.
If you would like to be contacted by AIA Kansas to provide expertise on legislation, email Reily Goyne at
State Historic Tax Credit Hearing on TUESDAY
SB 227 was introduced last week to amend the state historic rehabilitation tax credit and has a hearing scheduled for Tuesday, February 11 at 1:30 PM in Senate Commerce.
The legislation would increase the amount of the tax credit to 40% for all projects developed by a 501(c)3 nonprofit or for all projects located in a city with a population of less than 50,000 people. For cities with over 50,000 residents, if the expenditures are between $5,000 and $50,000, the credit remains at 25%, and for projects with expenditures over $50,000, it is a 40% tax credit. At this time, there is no fiscal note on the bill.
Contact Terry Humphrey or Reily Goyne if you have any questions or are interested in submitting testimony on this bill.
Affordable Housing Tax Credit at Risk
The hearing for HB 2119, eliminating the state Affordable Housing Tax Credit program, was on Thursday, February 6. Chairman Sean Tarwater (R-Stilwell) was the only proponent. There were two neutral testimonies from the Kansas Housing Resources Corporation and the League of Kansas Municipalities. The 39 opponents ranged from developers and investment firms to cities and homeless advocacy groups.
Opponents’ testimony stressed the lack of housing development in Kansas before the passage of HB 2237 in 2022. The legislation included several different incentive programs to meet the demand for affordable housing. The tax credit programs have more than doubled affordable housing development in Kansas.
The Committee will most likely work the bill next week. Anticipate significant changes and several amendments before the Committee votes on it.
If you would like to be contacted by AIA Kansas to provide expertise on legislation, email Reily Goyne at
General Statehouse Update
Do a little jig
Did you know that Kansas has no official state dance? Rep. Ken Collins (R-Mulberry) introduced HB 2265 to establish the polka as the official dance of Kansas. No hearing has been scheduled yet, but let your legislators know your thoughts!
Next Week's Committees
Tuesday, February 11, 2025
11:00 a.m. - House Veterans and Military: HB 2274 Hearing
If you want to testify on any of these bills and would like assistance, please contact Reily Goyne at or 316-243-6256.
Bills to Watch
AIA Kansas monitors several bills throughout the session that could impact the design and construction industry.
SB 35 discontinues the state property tax levies for the Kansas educational building fund and the state institutions building fund finances it through the state general fund. It was passed by the Senate, introduced in the House, and now sits in House Taxation. No hearing has been scheduled yet.
SB 37 repeals cities' zoning authority for the three miles outside their borders. It had a hearing in Senate Local Government, Transparency, and Ethics on Thursday, January 30.
SB 77 requires state agencies to provide notice of revocation of administrative rules and regulations to the public. It has a hearing on Wednesday, February 5 in the Senate Committee on Government Efficiency at 9:30 AM.
SB 229 terminates all current and new occupational licensing requirements after five years unless extended by a joint resolution of the legislature, and requiring that new occupational licensure requirements by approved by a joint resolution of the legislature. The bill does not apply to the State Board of Technical Professions. It has a hearing in Senate Commerce on Wednesday, February 12 at 1:30 pm.
HB 2025 repeals cities' zoning authority for the three miles outside their borders. It had a hearing in House Local Government on Wednesday, January 29.
HB 2066 requires businesses to register and use e-verify for employment. It has been referred to House Federal and State Affairs, and no hearing has been set yet.
HB 2088 requires local governments to meet deadlines for issuing building permits and other approvals for real estate development. It had a hearing in House Local Government on Thursday, January 30.
HB 2099 permits periodic inspections by a city or county for code violations of private residential rental housing where the property owner is receiving governmental rental subsidies and has a hearing on Wednesday, February 5 at 9 AM in House Local Government.
HB 2119 eliminates the Kansas Affordable Housing Tax Credit. It had a hearing in House Commerce, Labor, and Economic Development on Thursday, February 6.
HB 2138 authorizes school districts to levy an annual tax levy of up to two mills for school building safety, security and compliance with the Americans with disabilities act. It has been referred to House Education and no hearing has been set yet.
HB 2274 removes the requirement for military service members to be actively serving for accelerated occupational licensure. It has a hearing on Tuesday, February 11 at 9:00 AM in House Veterans and Military.
Government Affairs Committee
February 21 at 10 AM
If you are interested in joining this committee and staying on top of what is happening at the statehouse, please contact Reily Goyne.
About AIA Kansas
AIA Kansas is a state chapter of the American Institute of Architects.
The organization provides services and programs to meet the professional development needs and interests of Kansas architects and to develop public awareness for the value of architects and architecture.
Our 700-plus members are leaders in building healthy, sustainable communities that will serve our citizens into the future. | 785-357-5308 |